Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Food and Eating

Michael Pollan has an article/movie review in the New York Times Magazine about, among other things, how Americans spend more time watching cooking shows than they do cooking. There are lots of interesting statistics most striking to me was the one in the quote below.
"Already today, 80 percent of the cost of food eaten in the home goes to someone other than a farmer, which is to say to industrial cooking and packaging and marketing."
Food for thought...


  1. i believe it man. reel talk! and i love to cook, but it takes a lot of dishes. in order to avoid this i use a lot of napkins which usually backfires when i move them and the crumbs fall on the floor and then i have to wash teh rugs and clean the kitchen. life is hard!

  2. I read this article too and loved it. I've been reading a lot of nytimes recently. so much better than cnn or usatoday. they actually write whole articles not jsut soundbits
