Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Skatepark Obsession

Original Idea
Ever since I heard about the Design Input Meeting about the upcoming Norfolk Skatepark I've been obsessively drawing skatepark layouts and obstacles. I gave a bunch of drawings to the guys at the meeting last Saturday then came up with a new concept after talking with them about the site requirements and what not. Hopefully some of these ideas get incorperated into the final design.

New Design Overview. Click to see larger and read labelsObstacles that where hard ot render in the overhead view
I'm super psyched on this pyramid idea. I think only a model would truely be able ot represent it effectivly, but I'm sure you get the idea.


  1. although my brains can't make pictures from this, i am so stoked about you making this happen. get it temp! p.s. recently asked one of my kids why he wore a shoe lace as a belt and he explained it was to keep from falling on his belt during sk8 trix. so punk!

  2. impressive Templeton...I see your vision! I hope they make it similar to your design concepts! You are very good with technical drawing...me, I suck! i can't even draw a straight line with a Ruler! lol
