Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Most of you probably know that I blog for The Skateboard Mag. In that position I get a lot of press releases and favors asked for posts about whatever. KW forwarded to me an e-mail requesting that I post the new trailer for Mumble Magazine's first DVD, Little Giants: Volume One which is about artist Don Pendleton. I'm a big Don Pendleton fan, so I asked KW if he could get me a complementary copy of the DVD. Bob K wrote back to KW saying he would send me a copy of the DVD and that until seeing my address he had believed I was not a real person.

"I seriously can't believe he's actually a real dude. I wasn't kidding this whole time when I told you that I thought you made him up. The mailing address would be a little extended of you to try and keep the illusion going; I believe he's real now." Bob K to KW in an e-mail

It's kind of exciting that someone like Bob K has ever thought about me at all. I'm just a lowly skate blogger who lives in Virginia and has little contact with the real skate world outside of the internet. It's also exciting to think that he thought I was fictional. I take it to mean that my blogging was so impressive that he thought no single real person could be responsible for all of it. He probably figured it was a named used at The Mag so everyone could promote themselves without looking like they where on an ego trip.

Whatever the truth is, it's nice to be noticed.


  1. Templeton, that is wonderful!! Congratulations to you!! It's amazing to recognized by someone you admire. Way to go!! Even if you are made up ... :)

  2. nice! (but who the hell is KW and Bob K?)

  3. definitely a positive yarn, looking forward to the review!
