Saturday, November 10, 2007

Photo Shoot

Patrick and Keith shot by Todd

On Wednesday and Thursday I took a break form the bathroom and PAed for a photo shoot in a wind tunnel. I took pictures but I signed a non-disclosure agreement so I can't really post the pictures or give many details. I got the job through Eric Lusher who is friends with Eddie. It was a big time shoot with a lot of equipment and I got to work with some really good photographers. The photographer was Christian Weber and his assistant was Todd D'Addario. Also on hand where, Maggie Soladay, Patrick Sher (who shoots for Aveda), and Keith Coleman, whose website either doesn't exist or i can't find. Everyone was really cool and interesting to talk to and I learned a lot. I hope to get some more work like this in the future. It is hard physical work at times, but I find it enjoyable for the most part.

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